Enbridge Update

The Site Investigation Work Plan (Work Plan) for the recent oil spill at Enbridge Energy Line 6 Cambridge Station is now available on the DNR’s BRRTS on the Web.  Please follow this link to view the Work Plan: BOTW – Work Plan.  

For any questions, please email DNR’s Caroline Rice at:  [email protected]  You may also reach out directly to Enbridge at [email protected]

Chair Laura Payne is currently in the process of organizing another public forum at the Oakland town hall. As soon as confirmed, the meeting date will be announced on the town’s website.

At the public forum, Enbridge will be presenting the activities outlined in their Workplan.  After the presentation, Oakland residents will have an opportunity to ask Enbridge and the DNR questions regarding the recent spill and the work plan.  If you are unable to attend, you will be able to view a recording of the forum on YouTube at a later date.

Please feel free to reach out to Laura with any questions you may have at 608-279-7173 or [email protected]