Garbage and Recycling

P:  608.580.0580
E: [email protected]

(the above email can be used to contact LRS directly to report issues, schedule bulk pickups or get more information.  They are incredibly responsive!)

If you'd like to trade your trash or recycling bins in for a smaller or larger size you can also contact them for a trade out on your next scheduled pickup.

  • Garbage is picked up every week on Mondays or Tuesdays depending on where you live in Town.  Recycling is picked up every other week. A calendar was sent to each residence in Oakland, if you did not receive yours please look at the map below to determine your schedule and print your locations service calendar.
  • Garbage should be curbside by 6:00 a.m. on your designated trash day, otherwise it may not be collected.
  • Badgerland accepts appliances, tires, used oil, etc., as a part of the collection process.  ­Please call or email them to make arrangements for pick-up of large items, appliances, or electronic waste (Charges may apply).  If you set bulk items out with your normal trash or recycling without calling they will not get picked up (they are picked up with a separate truck).
  • Holiday Schedule:  There will be NO garbage pick-up on the following days: New Year’s Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. Collection will be one day later when the holiday falls during the week.

Trash and Recycling Schedules

Town of Oakland Map

2025 White_Schedule

2025 Grey Schedule

2025 Tuesday Schedule



Oakland receives grant money each year based on resident recycling habits.  Even though we do well, we can always find room to improve/increase our recycling efforts.  Please do your best to make a difference!

The Town has a compost/grass clippings area located behind the Town Hall.  Grass clippings, leaves, garden waste, brush and branches can be dropped off.  Wood chips and compost can be picked up as they become available.  Curbside brush pick-up takes place every 3rd week of April and 3rd week of October.

Interested in Composting?
See and refer to Composting

If you have hazardous materials and electronics to dispose of, check out Jefferson County Clean Sweep and Recycling!
Call (920) 674-7430 for additional information

Asbestos guides: