Property Tax Information

Property Tax Payment Information

Jefferson County Parcel Search
The link above is a great place to look at a snapshot of your property, retrieve old tax bill amounts and copies of your bill.

Please return the bottom stub with your tax payment and note if there is a change of mailing address (we can not change the physical address of your property).  At least the first installment of your taxes is due by January 31st, and postmarks count.  If you're due a refund, they will be processed at the next available board meeting and mailed out once approved.  Refunds are only sent to the property owner on record, not to mortgage companies or other individuals.

If you would like a receipt, please enclose a self addressed stamped business sized envelope and we'll mail you one as soon as your bill is processed.  Additionally, receipts can be downloaded from the Jefferson County Parcel Search above, starting in mid-January (for December payments) and mid-February for January payments.

Below are some tips for property tax season:

  • Please make out separate checks for taxes and dog licenses.
  • Oakland does not accept Cash, Credit or Debit Cards for property tax payments.  Please pay with checks or money order only.
  • For payments due on or before January 31 please make checks payable to:  Town of Oakland.
  • You can utilize the dropbox attached to the town hall at any time, pay in person during business hours or via mail.  Checks are usually processed in 1-2 business days, but may take longer during busy times (the last week of December and January).

    Please note the Town Hall will be closed - December 24th, 25th and January 1st

Payments made AFTER JANUARY 31st must be made out to:  Jefferson County Treasurer & be mailed to:   JEFFERSON COUNTY COURTHOUSE, 311 S. CENTER AVENUE, RM C1030 JEFFERSON , WI 53549